Ayinger Brauweisse Bottle 500ml

Ayinger Brauweisse Bottle 500ml

Ayinger Brauweisse Bottle 500ml

German Wheat Beer 5.1%

Fragrance and taste of the “yeast-cloudy” wheat beer are distinguished by a refined top-fermented flowery-yeast character and an unmistakable, distinct banana aroma. First sensation on the taste buds is full-bodied, very soft and mild with a lively, champagne-like sparkle. A light, typical wheat beer taste is expressed, the bitter tone of which can scarcely be detected. The sparklingly refreshing Ayinger Bräuweisse will impress every wheat beer connoisseur with the first mouthful. - Ayinger


BB: 02/03/2024

Regular price $10.00
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