Blackman’s Barrel Farm Flanders Red 375ml

Blackman’s Barrel Farm Flanders Red 375ml

Blackman’s Barrel Farm Flanders Red 375ml

Flanders Red 5%
Grovedale, VIC

A Belgian style red ale that’s been fermented in several wine barrels over three years. Notes of plum, raisin and mid sourness. PROCESS: Our Flanders red has been fermented in Chardonnay barrels from the Pyrenees near Avoca, with two different yeasts, Brettanomyces Bruxellensis and Philly sour. The brewing team have then expertly blended these barrels with fresh red ale to balance the sourness and sweet notes from the malt. We filled these barrels at our Torquay brewery and have then transported them to our geelong brewery to blend with the fresh beer and package. -Blackman's

Regular price $8.00
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